- Doctors

Business Name
  1. Cardiologist – Dr. Jorge Berzunza drberzunza@berzunzamd.com 624-160-1725c

  2. Cevallos, Marcial, M.D.- LP, 612-348-4819

  3. Dermatologist -LP- Dr. Agustin Anguiano Acuna, 612-125-4300 anguianoacuna@hotmail.com

  4. Dermatologist - SJD Marco Antonio Ramirez Lopez, www.dermacabos.com 044 624 169 3221 Facebook: Dermatologist Surgeon in Los Cabos

  5. Dermatologist - Dra. Griselda Izabal Wong 624-688-5975  Link below for Cabo directions

  6. Endocrinologist - SJD Claudia Susana Gutierrez Gutierrez www.hormonasana.com 044 624 169 2617 Facebook: Endocrinologist at Los Cabo

  7. ENT - Otolaryngology, Dr. Luis A. Landeros luislanderos@gmail.com 6241289655c CSL is 1430584, in SJC 1058570,

  8. ENT - Cabo -Dr J. Roberto León 624-105-1402, 624-157-5597c www.loscabosguide.com/staffmedico

  9. Eye Surgeon - LP - Dr. Carlos Mendoza mendoza@doctor.com. 125-38-90 y 123-52-55

  10. Family Practice - SJD Dr. Irma Rosales 624-142-1362.

  11. Gastroenterologist Dr. Alfonso Najar 624-147-5919

  12. General Physician: Los Barriles Dr. Enrique Toledo Rodriguez  6241410793 and cell 6121774095. Will also make house-calls.   Located up on the by-pass road.  9-3pm/5-10p. Mon-Sat.  dr.enriquetoledorodriguez@gmail.com   dk1080@telus

  13. General Surgery - LP, Dr. Ricardo Flores Namnum (612-124-0401 ext. 303) at Central de Especialidades Médico Also known as the purple hospital

  14. GYN - Dra. Elva Olimpia Patino Palaclos - LP - 612-122-7674

  15. GYN/OB Dra Elena Velderrain Z 142-3031 SJ / 142-1994 SJD urgencias 142-4768

  16. General Physician- LB – Dr Enrique Toledo dr.enriquetoledorodriguez@gmail.com  141-0797 LB

  17. Hand Surgeon - http://loscabosdoctor.com/Dr-Javier-Escamilla.html

  18. Internal Medicine / geriatric Dr Mauricio Mercado geriadoc@yahoo.com 105-8550SJD / 624-178-9461

  19. Manuel (Manny) Ramirez M. D. and Chief, I studied medicine in Cuba.    meramirezb@hotmail.com  6121560576

  20. Neuropath - Dr. Dennis O'Brien densaidyes@aol.com 970-799-7068 624-150-7155

  21. Neurosurgeon –Dr Karla Pedroza karlapedroza@yahoo.com 105-8550 SJD/ 143-0584 / 183-5701 Nextel

  22. Ophthalmologist – Dr. Rafael Gerardo Romero drromerof@prodigy.net.mx 143-6767 CSL / 141-0797 LB

  23. Ophthalmologist - Dr. Antonio Serrano in San Jose - 624-142-6465 (office) 624-355-3433 (cell)

  24. Orthopedic / PT / Rehabilitation – Dr. Luis Cardenas info@cifo.com.mx 142-3311 SJD / 141-0797 LB

  25. Plastic / Reconstructive Surgeon Dr.Juan Jose Liceaga 105-8550

  26. Plastic / Reconstructive Surgeon - LP - Dra Judith E. Yarhi Carrasco drayarhi@hotmail.com, 044-612-127-0686

  27. Radiologists CT/ MRI Dr. Dante Hernandez rxdante@hotmail.com 142-1203 SJD

  28. Rheumatologist: Dr. Irma Rosales in San Jose. 624-142-1362.

  29. Urologist – Dr. Martin Alcazar umiloscabos@hotmail.com 624-173-1386/88 CSL / 624-122-5481c