1. Custom Iron Work - Cabo, by Home Depot urielcalderon@hotmail.com
  2. Hernando's 'Welding Zone' - LB  - 624-155-8617  Upper bypass Alcon Road (pump house road)
  3. Rodrigo De Leon - San Jose,  Powder Coating & SandblastingCalle Chalupa 913. Colonia: Mauricio Castro in San Jose Del Cabo, B.C.S rodrigo.powdercoat@live.com.mx         624-129-8713
  4. Rolando - Campamento   624 261-9569  yes English  (maybe a new phone below??)
  5. Taller Santana,  Robin in San Bartolo  624-128-0046,  624 128-0046c   santana@hughes.net
  6. Welding, Repair and fabrication of ALL METALS,     tahoeclassiccars at yahoo dot com      Cell 624 178 2880
  7. Welding shop Santa cruz. wrought iron. protection for windows cell phon.doors With vicente 6241080139. Speak English  bi_riska_92@hotmail.com
  8. HAL'S DIRT ROAD SHOP in Los Barriles on Cut-off Rd. 500 meters from Apple Refrigeration. We speak English. 624-132-9735
  9. All kinds of stainless steel and welding work, kitchen, railings, grills, boats, etc... We also have CNC cutting, powder coating y herreria.  Divian Mendez 6242106549 - inoxmendezcsl@gmail.com
  10. Rolando the welder in Los Barriles has a new phone number: 624 261-9569.