- Quad Man - Ron MacRae QUADMAN U.S. 503 816 7515 MX 624 168 6087 See our new video...QuadmanBaja.com
- East Cape Bicicleta LB across El Viejos. David Mendoza 624-168-8546 Full service rental & repair
- The Rancho Cacachilas Bike Hub in El Sargento sells, rents and repairs bicycles. We also provide opportunities for outdoor adventures unique to Baja California Sur. Hiking, mountain biking, camping, wine and cheese tastings, organic gardening activities and more. (+52) 612 114 0472. https://www.ranchocacachilas.com/welcome.
Quadgirl ATV/UTV Rentals and Adventure Tours – www.quadgirlinc.com Toll free 888-QUADS4U (888-782-3748) MX cell 624-154-7661 Email: info@quadgirlinc.com
- East Cape Water Sports, water activity center. Located at Hotel Palmas de Cortez. We have Sea Doo (wave runners), kayacks, pedal board, snorkel gear, snorkel tours . eastcapewatersports@gmail.com 624-21-7-54-46
- Hiking, Mountain Biking, Electronic Mountain Bike tours, Cultural tours. info@teresastours.com
- Franciso Castro ATV repair. 624-166-3794. LB New Park Laguna
- Candoo ATV/UTV Rentals and Service .Cell 624-235-3540 Reservations@candoorentals.com
- Electric Fat Tire Bikes For Rent, From 35 Usd x Day. Website www.bandidostours.com, Contact us Cell +52 612 14 10104 for Long-Term Deals - info@bandidostours.com
- Affordable ATV-UTV rentals, daily, weekly, monthly. Mike@LosBarrilesAdventureRentals, Dave +1808-785-4123
- UTV rentals, get the actual lowest price on your weekly or monthly 4x4 rental. Call/text/email for more information or to reserve. +1 530-663-6095. osoklose@gmail.com