Window treatments - Blinds - Curtains

  1. Bob Prentice -LB -Dos Amigos Upholstery / Tapiceria  East off Hwy 1 at KM 111, 27 Calle de Brujo Los Barriles  Furniture, Cars, Boats, Awnings,  Covers, Cushions  ATVs, Drapes, Curtains Cell 624 151 1644  bbprentice@yahoo.com
  2. Tapiceria Tena - LB - Near Delegation - 141-0480
  3. Edwardo Across the street and 2 doors down from Hotel Los Pescadores, 624-178-7673, 624-135-4503, eduardo.rivas.edr79@gmail.com
  4. Vanessa's fabric and Cortana’s in LaPaz.  52 624 105 2209.
  5.  Paty - 624-141-6601
  6.  Emmanuel Velazquez – Upholstery Cleaning – Residential & Commercial: Auto, Boat, Carpet, Sofa, Mattress. – 624-178-4936 – La Rivera –  r 624.108.0751        mannyupholsterycleaning@gmail.com
  7. Manny's Carpet, Upholstery and tile Cleaning   Free estimate. 624-178-4936 or 624-108-0751 mannyupholsterycleaning@gmail.com
  8. Patricia Magana of Deep Blue - furniture/upholstery cleaner 624-141-6601  
  9. Baja Cleaning Crew,  624 124 8351
  10. Now open, new location, across the street from Smokey’s.  Blinds, Curtains, Cushions, now on display.  20 years of experience, many references here in Los Barriles. Windows Coverings – Cel phone 612 15 5 26 40 – vgzburquez@gmail.com